

Move Humanity






Annual Report

Move Humanity case study pamphlet

Alignian stands at the forefront of transforming business strategies using impactful branding, wielding a deep understanding of the language of business across multiple industries. Our mission goes beyond just communicating about a product or service; we strive to humanise brands, allowing them to forge genuine connections with their audience through a blend of purpose, empathy, and innovative strategy. In the case of the Move Humanity Conference, Alignian’s expertise was leveraged to create a series of print and digital assets designed to captivate and engage participants from around the globe.

The Move Humanity Conference is a pivotal event that aims to address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today, including poverty, inequality, and climate change. 

The conference seeks to inspire action and foster a global community committed to moving humanity forward by bringing together thought leaders, innovators, and change-makers. This case study delves into how Alignian contributed to this noble cause by developing compelling design assets that captured the essence of the conference and amplified its message across a broad audience spectrum.

Move Humanity roll up x

About the Client

The Move Humanity initiative is a global call to action, challenging individuals and organisations to contribute towards significant societal change. The initiative underpins the conference’s objectives with a focus on mobilising resources to tackle poverty, advancing sustainable development, and ensuring equality. Despite the urgency and importance of its mission, the Move Humanity Conference faced the significant challenge of cutting through the noise to reach and resonate with its intended audience.

The conference organisers recognised the need for a sophisticated, multifaceted approach to draw attention to their cause and meaningfully engage participants. This recognition led to the partnership with Alignian, whose expertise in brand strategy, media strategy, and tactical messaging presented the perfect solution to these challenges.

Our Strategy

In addressing the Move Humanity Conference’s communication challenge, Alignian embarked on a strategy that married deep market insights with creative brilliance. Our approach was twofold: first, we deeply understood the conference’s essence and objectives, and second, we translated this understanding into a compelling visual narrative that could engage and inspire action.


Alignian delivered BT’s Annual Report localised versions with consistent layouts and within a constricted timeline.

The readership of the annual report exceeded the previous year metrics and surpassed the forecasted result.

Alignian stands at the forefront of transforming business strategies using impactful branding, wielding a deep understanding of the language of business across multiple industries. Our mission goes beyond just communicating about a product or service; we strive to humanise brands, allowing them to forge genuine connections with their audience through a blend of purpose, empathy, and innovative strategy. In the case of the Move Humanity Conference, Alignian’s expertise was leveraged to create a series of print and digital assets designed to captivate and engage participants from around the globe.

The Move Humanity Conference is a pivotal event that aims to address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today, including poverty, inequality, and climate change. 

The conference seeks to inspire action and foster a global community committed to moving humanity forward by bringing together thought leaders, innovators, and change-makers. This case study delves into how Alignian contributed to this noble cause by developing compelling design assets that captured the essence of the conference and amplified its message across a broad audience spectrum.

About the Client

The Move Humanity initiative is a global call to action, challenging individuals and organisations to contribute towards significant societal change. The initiative underpins the conference’s objectives with a focus on mobilising resources to tackle poverty, advancing sustainable development, and ensuring equality. Despite the urgency and importance of its mission, the Move Humanity Conference faced the significant challenge of cutting through the noise to reach and resonate with its intended audience.

The conference organisers recognised the need for a sophisticated, multifaceted approach to draw attention to their cause and meaningfully engage participants. This recognition led to the partnership with Alignian, whose expertise in brand strategy, media strategy, and tactical messaging presented the perfect solution to these challenges.

Move humanity conference

Our Strategy

In addressing the Move Humanity Conference’s communication challenge, Alignian embarked on a strategy that married deep market insights with creative brilliance. Our approach was twofold: first, we deeply understood the conference’s essence and objectives, and second, we translated this understanding into a compelling visual narrative that could engage and inspire action.

Understanding the Audience and Message

At the heart of Alignian’s strategy was a profound comprehension of the conference’s core message and its target audience. Recognising the diverse, global audience the conference aimed to reach, Alignian deployed a strategy that emphasised universal themes of empathy, action, and collective responsibility. This approach was underpinned by tactical messaging that was carefully crafted to resonate across cultural and linguistic boundaries, ensuring the conference’s call to action was both accessible and motivating.

From Concept to Design

The creative process began with concept development, where ideas were not just sketched out but woven into the fabric of a larger narrative aimed at mobilising humanity towards a shared goal. Alignian’s team, fluent in the language of visual storytelling, meticulously designed each asset to reflect the conference’s brand purpose and identity. This meticulous design ensured that every element, from colour schemes to typography, aligned with the overarching theme of moving humanity forward.


The implementation phase saw the conceptual designs come to life across various print and digital formats. Alignian’s comprehensive suite of assets for the Move Humanity Conference included:

These visually striking roll-up banners were designed for strategic placement around the conference venue. As informational and inspirational pieces, the roll-ups were crafted with compelling imagery and messaging that encapsulated the conference’s key themes. The design was carefully calibrated to catch the eye and engage the intellect, prompting attendees to reflect on their role within the global movement towards change.

Print Materials

These visually striking roll-up banners were designed for strategic placement around the conference venue. As both informational and inspirational pieces, the roll-ups were crafted with compelling imagery and messaging that encapsulated the conference’s key themes. The design was carefully calibrated to catch the eye and engage the intellect, prompting attendees to reflect on their role within the global movement towards change.

Digital Assets

Beyond the physical presence of roll-ups, Alignian developed a broad array of digital assets designed to extend the conference’s reach beyond the venue’s confines. This included a dynamic web presence that served as the conference’s digital hub, shareable and engaging social media graphics, and digital brochures that provided in-depth information about the conference’s objectives and schedule. Each digital asset was designed to maximise engagement and facilitate the dissemination of the conference’s core message.

Move Humanity roll up


The strategic implementation of Alignian’s print and digital assets for the Move Humanity Conference yielded impressive results, demonstrating the powerful impact of coordinated brand and media strategy on audience engagement and participation.

Digital Engagement

The conference’s digital presence saw significant traffic, with approximately 8,000 individuals visiting the website. This surge in online interest was a direct result of the engaging and informative digital assets created by Alignian. Additionally, the conference’s social media posts achieved remarkable interaction, garnering over 50,000 interactions across various platforms. The email campaigns also performed well, with about 25% of recipients opening the conference emails—a testament to the compelling content and tactical messaging employed.

Thought Leadership Participation

The conference’s influence was markedly enhanced by its speakers, who collectively boasted a social media following of over 1 million. This vast reach contributed to the high engagement and participation in the conference, with an average of 200 individuals attending each session. This level of involvement highlights the success of Alignian’s strategy to promote thought leadership and foster an environment of learning and exchange.

Community Engagement

Community response was overwhelmingly positive, with over 1,500 individuals registering to attend the conference. Among these attendees, approximately 80% participated actively in networking sessions and other interactive activities, indicating a high level of engagement and a strong community connection facilitated by the conference’s inviting and well-designed environment.

Impactful Branding

The effectiveness of Alignian’s branding efforts was reflected in attendee feedback, with 90% of participants expressing satisfaction with the conference design. The branding’s visual and narrative elements resonated well with the audience, creating a memorable and impactful experience. Furthermore, the conference hashtags achieved significant traction on social media, being mentioned over 4,000 times, which amplified the conference’s reach and impact beyond the physical event space.

The Power of Strategic Branding

The project underscored the critical role of strategic branding and media planning in amplifying a cause. Alignian’s approach, which integrated brand purpose with tactical messaging and media strategy, demonstrated how a well-orchestrated brand narrative could significantly enhance audience engagement and participation.

This case study is a testament to Alignian’s commitment to brand evolution and strategic communication. By leveraging a deep understanding of the audience and crafting narratives that resonate, Alignian empowers brands to reach their audience, inspire action, and effect change.

For those interested in learning more about Alignian’s work or exploring a partnership, we invite you to visit our portfolio and connect with us. Let’s collaborate to create brand experiences that move humanity forward together.

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