Museo de las Ciencias
Leisure and Education
Event print, digital and interactive
The Science Museum was founded in 1857 and is part of the National Museum of Science and Industry. The Science Museum teamed up with Fleming Media to set up The Science of_ who develop and tour exhibitions including The Science of Aliens, The Science of Spying and The Science of Survival.
The Science of_ conceives, creates and delivers value-driven communication projects, a collaboration with London’s world-renowned Science Museum that tackles the big science and technology issues that citizens around the world are hungry to know more about. Their projects are multi-platform, and designed to deliver insight and engagement through interaction.
The Science of exhibitions took place at each of Science Museum Principe Felipe in Valencia, Spain and The Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre in Abu Dhabi, UAE. As a result of Alignian’s wide expertise in multinational communications coupled with extensive experience in Europe and the Middle East, The Science Museum assigned Alignian to translate and localise “The Science of_” exhibitions from English to Arabic & Spanish.
Items for translation and localisation included Posters, Banners, Brochures, Exhibition stands, Software, and Interactive games to suit the audience in the United Arab Emirates and Spain.
After the success of the Science of Spying Exhibition in the UK raising the number of visitors to the museum by 11 per cent to 2.7 million. The Science of_ worked with Alignian and The Science Museum to bring the Exhibition to Spain and UAE.
The project is educational and Alignian had to make sure that the exhibition had been customised for each locale’s culture and dialect while maintaining the scientific and educational purpose. At the same time, it has to challenge the audience, stimulate their curiosity and sense of fun.
The selection of fonts and terminologies was an integral part of the process to choose the right design elements that would reflect the same look and feel across all markets.
Selecting Alignian was based on technical expertise in media production and multilingual communication as well as our certified design and animation teams. The production process included desktop publishing, software development, graphic design, and Spanish and Arabic translation. After research and analysis of all executions, Alignian assigned a dedicated team of graphic designers, linguists, event professionals, software developers, typesetters, and media and communications experts. The project management team ran the process smoothly and efficiently, delivering event materials and animation packages. The production teams in London were supported by our office in UAE, and representatives in Spain to test the interactive games.
Alignian provided live access to proactive information for stakeholders, such as production files, pre-flight versions, notification of latest updates, and activities reports.
The Science Museum was overwhelmed with the success of the Exhibitions and they loved our work.
The exhibitions attracted over 300k in crowds from different ages and occupations and attracted the Media’s attention.
It’s hard to imagine a 10-year-old that won’t love it” Time Out
“We are honoured to be able to pass our teachings onto the younger generation – our future leaders, in a fun and interactive environment” Abu Dhabi Police